Lys has been a tremendous asset for us. Her combination of skill with social media and intimate knowledge of pop culture made her a perfect fit to engage our customers as fans and always keep them excited about what's going concurrently and what's coming up!-Dan Wallace, Impulse Creations.

Lys has been a tremendous asset for us. Her combination of skill with social media and intimate knowledge of pop culture made her a perfect fit to engage our customers as fans and always keep them excited about what's going concurrently and what's coming up!"As the President and Founder of a 501(C)3 organization, I often find there are a lot of people who want to help but do not know how to. Enter Lys Fulda and Sphinx PR. One conversation with her and I knew I wanted her as part of our team. One hour later and we already had achieved significant results and increased visibility in social media. Sphinx PR is led by an incredibly talented and knowledgeable expert in her field with connections, personal contacts and expertise. My only regret, and there is one, is not connecting with Lys and Sphinx PR on the day we became a legal entity. This is an incredible organization and I feel very fortunate that this talent exists is the market place."-Mark Weiss, Comic Books For Kids!

“Sphinx has been our insurance policy, our guide and our spotlight for years. The knowledge and insights to get us in the right place AT the right time. We wouldn’t be where we are without them!”-Sandy King Carpenter, CEO Storm King Productions

“As an author with a pop culture title published by a large trade/business press, I discovered that even a well-resourced and well-intentioned internal PR team can’t guarantee the exposure your book needs in the media channels that reach the fans, geeks and trusted bloggers. I called Sphinx to help me with a specialized campaign a year after my book’s release and I got more uptake in major media channels than I did for the book’s main launch: 2 AP stories that appeared in over 1000 publications worldwide, a Washington Post feature interview, mentions on NPR’s blog and the Atlantic Monthly, invitations to be filmed in two feature-film documentaries, a live national TV appearance on CBC (Canada), plus a couple of podcasts and mentions on leading comic/pop culture sites. This attention gave my book’s sales a second wind, dramatically elevated my visibility within the target market, and resulted in several promising business opportunities. Lys knew who to contact and how to shape the story we wanted. I can’t recommend her and her team highly enough.”-Rob Salkowitz, Author of Comic-Con and the Business of Pop Culture

“Lys Fulda and the Sphinx PR are by no means a ‘tool’ or ‘service’ to implement for your PR strategy. They are an extension of the creative process and a guiding light to success. Let me begin by saying that I am the last person to pay for a service that I could do myself (even if it’s to a minuscule degree). Whenever I see advertisements or receive e-mails from individuals claiming they can help promote my work, I instantly think of Snake Oil Salesmen and hit the delete button. Lys Fulda, is nothing like that. She makes no promise she can’t keep or initiate a strategy she doesn’t believe in.

When I began my Kickstarter for Simon Says, I hesitated to go live because I feared we’d barely make the goal of $5,000. Lys acted as an anchor and nudged me forward, always with reassuring words. Shen promoted my project tirelessly, and doubled as my very own Godfather, acting as an unofficial Consigliere of sorts. She advised my steps, calling upon her vast experience in public relations and marketing to calm my worries and guide my voice. By the end of the Kickstarter, we raised $11,667! To this day, Lys humbly downplays her immense contribution to our success, but I can say full-heartedly that without her, we couldn’t have succeeded to the degree we did. She was worth every penny and more, and I made sure to gift her extra for her role.

She unlocks potential and see’s between the lines, to plot the most direct route in getting your project to the masses. She’s Mary Poppins, helping Mr. Banks learn to fly a kite. She’s Shoeless Joe Jackson inspiring Ray Kinsella to build a baseball field. She’s Morpheus helping Neo to unlock his potential and become “The One.” Go with Sphinx PR, it’s the best investment for your creative project.”-Andre Frattino, Simon Says, Pineapple Press

“Obviously, this was a big team effort, with Shaun Manning putting in 110% effort as always, and Lys Fulda from Sphinx PR brought together some great strategy to ensure success. Honestly, if you are thinking of starting a comic book kickstarter, don’t cheap out on PR, and definitely get in touch with Lys to get an honest opinion on your book.”-Rodolfo Martinez- Lucha Comics